What is the STEP BONE CUT?
A new technique born in Japan !!
It’s not only about technique.
It’s about living your dream.

This is the beginning of the second revolution in the beauty industry.
(the first was Vidal Sassoon’s revolutionary wash and wear basic cut)
STEP BONE CUT, which has a technical patent, is a bold and delicate technique, and is therefore a certified licensing system.
We offer certification courses and examinations.
At STEP BONE CUT our main goal is to create Beauty that is kind to the earth as well as to the people. Our Methods are designed to reduce waste and to keep the process as clean as possible for both our clients and the Salon.
In our Workshop, you will not only learn the basics of the Step Bone Cut but also how to operate a Salon that cuts down waste and improves the well being of hairstylists and your costumers.
●Main features of STEP BONE CUT

By adjusting the volume and tightness of hair, the face looks more lifted and younger.

By creating a three-dimensional neckline, the face looks slimmer and taller

You can freely set where you want to increase the volume.

Allows hair to move freely, creating gaps, giving you beautiful permed frizzy hair

The cut line is not easily broken and has elasticity not found in other hairstyles

Just a light drying is all that is needed to achieve the ideal shape.

The curved Swing Cut lets hair sway freely.

Hair is cut while being treated with a special cutting lotion, so hair becomes shiny and healthy.
What's the difference?

We make hair like we make clothes.
・Sewing pattern - inspired hair styles
・Good reproducibility
・Technology patented
1, Hairstyle freedom
2, Movement freedom of the hair
3, Cutting technique to fit bone structure
4, Face Lifting Cut to enhance bone structure
5, No dry cutting, so no hair damage
6, Small cut hairs don’t remain afterwards.
7, You don’t need to “blow out” the hair in order to achieve the style you want. (Good for the environment due to reduced power consumption ...C02 reduction)

Blowing is not necessary brush! Just dry with your finger.
How to cut step bone cut with flexible volume up and down

More volume and healthier hair
Adding more volume to thin and light hair has never been easier.
Costumers that have struggled with thin and broken hair now get the chance to enjoy a new way of expressing themselves.
The Step Bone Cut makes worrying about your hair a thing of the past!

Manage thick and unruly Hair
SBC makes it easier to handle wavy, thick and unruly hair.
That way, costumers are able to enjoy light; and easy to manage Haircuts.
And best of all? Through our special cutting technique, the Haircut lasts longer and is easier to maintain even after washing it.
The Basic Concept
The Step Bone Cut Technique allows you as Hair Stylist to add and reduce Volume within the cut.
By cutting the hair near its roots, weight and volume can be controlled.
Give your customers the hairstyle that truly expresses their beaut
With the Step Bone Cut, we took cutting hair a step further.
By visualizing each client's Head shape and size, we are able to create the perfect look for each client.
Create smooth and clear hairstyles. By using the STEP BONE CUT method, you can increase and decrease volume anywhere you want to create the perfect shape.

●In conclusion,
not only the hair, but also the cheeks appear to be lifted, making one look beautiful and young.
In addition, the neck appears longer, making you look taller and slimmer!

●Dedicated tools
During the cut, a mist (SBCP Low Mineral Mist+) containing highly nutritious amber extract and fulvic acid is used. Moisturizing of skin and hair can also be expected.
・Softly cuts without resistance ・Comb runs through smoothly ・Hair is soft and manageable after cutting
* SBCP RAW MINERAL MIST + is not only used for cuts, but all colorings, perms and treatments as well.

■ Regular cut using
tap water

・There is resistance and hair cannot be cut smoothly.
・Comb snags on hair when running through
・A rough feeling after cutting
■ Cross section of hair by Regular cut
Diagonal cross section
Vertical cross section
Image of dry wood

・Softly cuts without resistance
・Comb runs through smoothly
・Hair is soft and manageable after cutting
Diagonal cross section
Vertical cross section
Image of cutting soft butter
■ Cross section of hair by STEP BONE CUT

●One of a kind

Licensed by issuance of a basic, technique, and master diploma and certification cade (with renewal deadline),

○ The STEP BONE CUT haircut method has received a technology patent (patent no. 5191614). ○ The STEP BONE CUT (registration no. 5734879) and STEP BONE CUT logos (registration no. 5565095, 5734879) are registered trademarks of representative director Sayuri Ushio (Japan, Usa, Europe, China, Hong kong, Taiwan, South korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia). ○ Face slimming deepening cut (registration no. 5481716) and bone structure correcting and deepening cut (registration no. 5525846) are registered trademarks of representative director Sayuri Ushio .
Customer review

I gave up on my wild hair, but now I can try many different styles! It’s like a dream come true. (Office worker 27)
I only got a haircut but it feels like I lost weight! (Editor 33)
My hair’s shorter to make my face look neater and slimmer. I’m very satisfied by this short yet feminine style! (Self-employed 52)
It’s amazing how the hair stays in place even as it grows out. The soft ends look like they’ve been delicately permed. (Teacher 45)
When I met a friend after getting a cut they asked if I lost weight and it made me very happy. (Office worker 33)
It unlike any other salon! It’s amazing that no special styling is needed and it doesn’t look messy.(Housewife 27)
My face looks slimmer even though my hair is bigger?! It’s really the perfect balance.(Student 21)
This cut is so easy to style. It’s perfect for my brittle and unruly hair! (Counselor 35)
My hair becomes beautiful every time! I’m impressed. (Nurse 37)
I used to have an issue with my round face, but now I don’t think about it much.(Office worker 26)
A style that everyone else told me was impossible was made possible! Now, I want to try more styles! (Designer 28)
It’s quite a different look and makes a good impression on those around me.(Sales 22)
What you get when you get a license
Both the beautician and the customer can contribute to the environment while gaining a richer life and richer time.
The way of cutting, the finish, and the ease of care are completely different, making it high value with differentiation from other stores, and increasing repeat and new referral customers even if the cutting fee is raised. The course also includes a method of raising prices with a step bone cut that does not lose customers.
Just like cutting a clothing pattern, the scissors are opened and closed just 64 times to finish the cut slowly, gracefully, but quickly. It is fast because it does not require dry cutting or blow-drying.
The use of an original cutting lotion also makes thick, difficult-to-cut hair soft and easy to cut. Even kinky hair is no problem at all. It has a treatment effect.
No need to blow dry, saving electricity. No need to rinse off after cutting, reducing water and gas usage. Minimal perms, colorants, and other chemicals are used to achieve beautiful results. We also save time and money.
Maintain quality & increase sales
●Why you need a license
You can obtain a Basic Certified Stylist license by taking the Basic Certification Course and passing the certification exam.
Step bone cut has many advantages, but it has the following disadvantages.
1, Since the cut is made from the hair near the root, it may cause complaints if the technique is not yet matured.
2, The cycle of visits to the salon increases and sales decrease.
In the basic certification course, you will learn how to change the above disadvantages into advantages.
1,Zero Complaint Curriculum and Rank Up System
The bob-based design of the step-bone cut is extremely effective and is characterized by its low failure rate.
Therefore, students learn a bob-based curriculum to reduce the number of complaints that are likely to occur in the early stages of the program to zero.
The step bone cut is a technique that can be freely increased and decreased in volume, so it looks like a layered cut without layers.
Therefore, more than 80% of the customers who come to our salon can be achieved with a bob-based design.
And customers will be impressed by the cut design and reproducibility they have never experienced before.
Bold, delicate, and patented techniques start with precise scissor swinging.
The basic and technique certification courses are based on the martial arts analogy of “learning the kata.
As you progress, your clients will be impressed by the amazing freedom of movement of your hair.
2,Motivating and sales-enhancing system
StepBone Cuts aims to be an affluent hairdresser.
Simply being good at the technique is not enough to improve motivation, on the contrary, it will increase the cycle of visits and decrease sales.
In the course, we provide a system to convey the value of the stepbone cut to customers and increase the unit price.
In addition, we will also link our products to increase the value of the service and increase profits.
3,License Renewal for Peace of Mind
In order for our clients to feel secure in their choice, we require our clients to attend a technical and informational renewal seminar ONLINE by the end of 3 years from the year following the date of final certification, just like a driver's license. (¥9,000)
4,Join the Step Bone Cut Association
Licenses are issued and managed by the Step bone Cut Association to its members.
An annual membership fee is required to license certified stylists and certified salons, including royalties for technical and trademark patents
(30,000 yen per year, 5,000 yen for staff members)
※Free loan of exclusive scissors when attending the Basic Certification Course
(Limited to the period of enrollment in the Step bone Cut Association)
The license has an expiration date in order to certify quality maintenance.
A new card will be issued upon renewal of the license in accordance with MISHOP's regulations.
The expiration date is December 31 three years after the January following the renewal date.
After the expiration date, the right to use the trademark is temporarily suspended and will be resumed upon renewal.
All rights will be suspended during the period of non-payment of the annual license fee.
Let's start here
●Basic Certification Course
Flow of obtaining basic certification
① Apply for certification
②Information on how to take the course
Sending of course materials
④Pass the certification test
⑤Issuance of Diploma
Curriculum Details
Total Hours 20 hours
4 days 11:00~17:00
(20 hours for 3 days is also available)
Course Content
How to fit swing bob with small face
Thorough training on swing cut and weight check
Practical skills for 4 different bob designs
1st day
Basic theory of step bone cut
Model demonstration of step bone cut
Practical skills - Swing cut swing
WIG1 Swing cut training
Department: Bob style for small face according to face shape
2nd day
WIG1: Bob style for long face
WIG1: Bob styles that make round faces look round
3rd day
WIG2: Bob that falls forward
WIG2 Bowl-gra bob
4th day
What to bring
Scissor case, towel, writing utensils, scissors, stand clamp, 4 hair clip , scissors case, towel, writing utensils
Knowledge and skills to be acquired
This is the first course to learn the essentials of this profoundly patented technique. Learn four bob-based arrangement styles that make the face look smaller, create a step-bone cut bob menu, which is a separate high unit price menu from the traditional cut, and be able to treat clients who want bob base.
Examples of use
Set up a menu of cutting prices for swinging bob style (step bone cut bob) plus 2,000 yen and up.
Propose two lines: regular bob and step-bone cut bob, and let customers select one.
First step to increase unit price and differentiation
Titles that can be obtained
Certified stylist of basic step bone cut
Step bone Cut member salon
Link sales to license ranks.
●How to Step Up
Target 120% of sales
Basic Certification Course
The first accredited course to learn the intricacies of the profound patent technology
Bob Arrangement Specialist
First step to increase unit price and differentiation
Free lease of exclusive scissors for the membership period
Teaching materials included
Target 150% of sales
Technique Certification Course
The best part of our original technique, the non-guiding technique, conquers salon design.
Salon design with speed
Freedom of salon work
Target 200% of sales
Master Certification Course
Uncover the essence of the profound stepping bone cut.
Specialist in creative design
To be a proposal-oriented, lofty hair stylist
Instructor Certification Course
Currently, courses are offered in Japanese only.
70 certified instructors are currently active
・Depending on your schedule, it is possible to obtain a master license in only six months!
・Certification courses in Japan are held in Japanese (interpreter fees will be covered).
・In case the course is held overseas, local language interpreters will be provided.
(Real courses only, no Online courses)
●Sales Partners Wanted
Why don't you start by selling PRODUCTS or opening an ACADEMY?
If the number of STEP BONE CUT technicians increases, it is possible to develop high unit price hair salons.

A hair care series that brings out the best in STEP BONE CUT. (made in Japan)
It also enhances the value of STEP BONE CUT!
This popular product is favored by celebrities, Instagrammers, and hair and makeup artists because of its visible small face effect in 20 seconds.
1,Customers who buy products at department stores or on the Internet visit STEP BONE CUT salons.
2,Customers who buy products at STEP BONE CUT salon purchase the products and leave the salon.
Both leads have a very high probability of increasing the sales rate.
Hair salon sales, department store sales, and e-commerce sales are recommended.

First, please plan and organize a tour to take & get STEP BONE CUT license in Japan and recruit students!
(If there are more than 5 students, we will hold a special basic certification course in Japan.
(If there are less than 4 students, they will be added to the date in Japan)
Then organize a certification course in your country.
If the number of students exceeds 20, a Japanese instructor will go there.
Once you have enough students, you can hold seminars to gather students for the Basic Certification Course and hair shows to promote the course!

Once one STEP BONE CUT certified technician is on staff, the salon will qualify as a certified salon.
If the number of certified technicians increases, it is possible to develop a salon specializing in STEP BONE CUT & SBCP.
It is also possible to be certified as a FLAG SHIP SHOP in each country and area in cooperation with the Japan Headquarters.
①How to make facial contours look beautiful with just a haircut
②STEP BONE CUT is an organic and clean cut technique
③Customers Voice
④Students Voice
⑤ Seminar at IBS NY, the world's largest beauty show
⑥Salon work by certified technicians in NY

Creator & Founder of STEP BONE CUT
I used to feel self-conscious about having a large head, thick hair, and natural curls.
Although I once aspired to become a shojo manga artist, I became a hairdresser instead, starting my salon business at the age of 25.
Inspired by the hairstyles in shojo manga, I developed the Step Bone Cut (a 3D small-face correction haircut) technique to enhance facial contours and create a smaller-looking face. I then established an education system for it.
This system allowed talented hairdressers to grow quickly, naturally expanding the business.
While owning six salons in Kobe and Himeji, I founded the Step Bone Cut Association.
Believing that technical skills alone wouldn't make all hairdressers prosperous, I also ventured into product development.
I continuously created products that never disappointed customers—items I truly wanted and hairdressers absolutely wanted to use.
I opened an art studio and hair salon in Brooklyn.
Living among artists in an artist loft, I also ran an Airbnb there.
After returning to Japan during the pandemic, I opened a salon in Minami-Aoyama.
In August 2023, the salon moved to Omotesando, south of PRADA. I personally designed the space without relying on external designers, creating a space that expresses myself.
For years, I traveled the world, capturing how Japanese hairdressing techniques blended into the global landscape through photography. These photos later became a book for Japanese hairdressers, published in both Japan and the United States.
I also work as a contemporary performance artist and creator of modern art.